Monday, January 17, 2011

The King's Speech

Year: 2010
Starring: Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush, Helena Bonham Carter
Directed By: Tom Hooper
Run Time: 118 Minutes
Rating: R

     It is Oscar season and we are now going to start seeing more an more dramas come about in order to get the nod for the 2011 Oscars.  I am going to be honest, I had not heard of this film, and probably wouldn't have gone and seen it if it hadn't been for the holiday's, but I am glad that I did.  This movie is about King George VI and his rise to King of England.  Unless you are a World War II buff, not people really knew he struggled with a terrible speech impediment.  This movie goes through he struggles and what he did to try to correct it, given that he had to speak to his people often, especially during a time of war.  I will admit that I, at first, was unsure if I liked this movie or not, it is one of those that I had to really think about for a couple days, even weeks before I realized the power of this movie.  However, I am also a World War II buff, so that really helped as well because of course you are going to be more interested when it is something you love right?
     This movie was about King George VI and how he became the King of England and over came a bad speaking stammer.  This movie starts with him in his later life, when he was the Duke of York.  His father, King George V, was to be succeeded by his older brother, Prince Edward.  When his father died, Prince Edward became King Edward VIII but was reluctant to become so.  During his 325 day reign, he caused a crisis by trying to marry and American divorcee.  Prince Edward chose to stay with the woman, and was forced to give up the throne, even though he was never official crowned.  In December 1936, King George VI took his thrown, with a country in hopes of him restoring the confidence of his people.  During the entire movie, he is trying to get over his speech problem by seeing various experts.  His wife, Duchess of York Elizabeth, finds the speech therapist Lionel Logue, who uses out of the ordinary methods yet is effective.  The entire movie is based on the relationship between King George VI and his speech therapist Lionel.  The movie ends when King George VI gave his "King to His People" address in 1939.  It is a great movie and even though it is a drama, it is filled with subtle British humor which I really enjoyed.
     Colin Firth as absolutely amazing in this movie.  I had only ever seen him in one movie prior to this, Love Actually, and really enjoyed that movie as well, yet he was not the lead roll.  The King's Speech was an amazing role for him because he had to act out a stammer, and did so amazingly.  I was happy to see him win a Golden Globe, one he totally deserved.  After seeing many of what I think are potential Oscar nominations, I believe Colin Firth should hands down win the Best Actor; Leading Role award.  Along side him in this movie, and well worthy of a supporting actor award is Geoffrey Rush, and for all of you who don't know actors, he is Barbossa in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.  Rush played the speech therapist to the King, and was also amazing in this roll.  Helena Bonham Carter, who is usually in an odd role, actually played the roll of the King's wife, and nailed it. I wouldn't be surprised for her to get a nomination as well.
     There were some things I didn't like about this movie though.  First, I was not happy that they never really gave you an resolution to his speech problem.  Did he or didn't he get over it completely?  Secondly, although Colin Firth did very, very well, I went home and listened to the actual King George Speech from the end of the movie, and thought that Firth over did it just a bit.  I would strongly recommend to you to listen to this speech, as it is one of the better speeches in history.  However, this did not really knock down my rating much and as not that big of deal.
     I will give this movie 4 1/2 out of 5 royal stammers.   I really think that has a great chance at taking home the Best Picture Oscar.  I would honestly be surprised if it didn't take home one of the top Oscars this year.  Regardless, I very strongly recommend that you take a trip to the theatre and see this movie.  It was really a great movie.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love love love Collin Firth he will always be Mr. Darcy to me :-)
(Pride and Prejudice)

PS you are running out of time you still have to see Black Swan, The Fighter, Inception, The Kids Are All Right, 127 hours, The Social Network, Toy Story 3, True Grit, and Winters Bone.