Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Kids Are All Right

Year: 2010
Starring: Annette Bening, Julianna Moore, Mark Ruffalo
Directed By: Lisa Cholodenko
Rating: R
Run Time: 106 Minutes

     This review will be quick.  In terms of Best Picture nominations, I am not 100% sure why this movie is even up for any nomination.  The movie was good but nothing spectacular.  I feel like this movie is up for the nomination solely because it was controversial in nature, however I did not view it in such a way therefore I saw nothing special about it, and nothing that hasn't been done before.  The only thing I can understand is the acting that Annette Bening did, but at the same time, she was pretty much the same as any role I have ever seen her in.
     This movie is about a family, two kids raised by two mothers.  Yep you guessed it, they are lesbians.  When the daughter turns 18, she gets in contact with the sperm donor their mothers used.  Mark Ruffalo portrays the donor.  The kids decide to meet him, and the movie goes from there about how they try to incorporate him into the family..  There are certain instances that happen and this movie has a very similar feel to say Little Miss Sunshine.  I would give you more about the movie but it would give too much away.  In short, the movie was good and makes you see a side of life that some of us won't normally see.
     In no way do I think this movie has any business being a part of the contenders for best picture.  It was done well, but it seems this year, they gave the nomination to 10 movies, and really they could have made due with 5 nominations.  There was nothing special like I said before, and really if it hadn't been nominated, I probably wouldn't have seen it.  The only thing that really would have drawn me to this is Mark Ruffalo because I like his work.  Other than that, really this movie was nothing special.
     I will give this movie 2 out of 5 natural grown vegetables (see the movie and you will get the reference.)  Aside it being a controversial topic, this movie was nothing more then something that gets done every year.  Maybe if I were strongly against the gay community would I have more of an opinion about this movie, but the fact is I have no problem with homosexuals or their choice to raise a child.  Therefore in my personal opinion, this is nothing special about this movie; nothing really stood out to me about it and I will say it has no business being nominated for best picture.  


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