Thursday, October 28, 2010


Year: 1975
Starring: Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw, Richard Dreyfuss
Directed By: Steven Spielberg
Rating PG
Run Time: 124 Minutes

     Ok maybe this shouldn't be on the horror movie blogs, but I don't care, this movie was going to be reviewed sooner or later.  Jaws was really the movie that shot Spielberg into stardom.  From Jaws, he went on to direct the movies that we all know and love.  Prior to Jaws, can anyone really tell me what he directed? Don't cheat and look on IMDb!  Roy Scheider was also in this movie, and really I don't recall seeing him in many things since then.  Oh wait, Jaws 2.  Richard Dreyfuss costars as well, and we all know that his career also went well, and also starring in the next Spielberg movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
   Jaws takes place in Amity (not a play on the Amityville movie, since it doesn't release until 1979) a small town on the east coast, on the shore.  It's primary source of revenue is obviously it's beach and summer time fun.  The movie starts with an attack, and the town Chief of Police Brody (Roy Scheider) is suspected of a shark attack.  Of course you have the town mayor who is in denial, but has right to be, since a shark attack is rare in these waters.  When they capture a shark that they think is the causer of these attacks, everything seems fine and dandy until another attack.  Of course the viewer knows that Chief Brody is innocent, and the mayor is the one who wouldn't close the beaches, but everyone in the movie hates the Chief and blames him.  The movie really brings to life what a lot of movies did in this time, which is accompany a brilliant soundtrack, one that will live on forever, and everyone knows, no matter if you haven't even seen it, the song will be known.  Chief Brody then sets out to hunt the shark and kill it (animal rights people would be so pissed now-a-days) with costar Robert Shaw playing the crazy captain, and Richard Dreyfuss playing the shark expert.
    This movie really instills fear of the open water.  It also opened the mind to many viewers that a great white shark is a man eater.  While this has happened in real life, it is however not a true that great whites will just attack people when they are hungry.  I for one am not afraid of sharks and find them magnificent, but put me in the ocean, and the thought of Jaws will come into my mind.  Honestly, who wouldn't??  I have been on the set that they filmed this movie, and it is interesting to watch it after you see the set, and you learn how movie magic is made.  In 1975, they really did it right, no effects, a huge mechanical shark, and a movie that will scare audiences for years to come.
     I will give this movie 4 our of 5 Great White shark tooths.  The acting is very good, the plot is very good.  The shark is good, really what could be wrong with this movie?  There is really now idiot plot, as has been the theme this month, but it is an all around good thriller.  Is it as good the second time?  Probably not, because now you know what is coming, but watch it every couple of years, it is a good one to revamp your mind, and take you back to an era of movies that was brilliant.


Show me the way to go home, I'm tired and I wanna go to bed....

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