Friday, October 8, 2010


Alright everyone, a little tutorial for you.  I make this easy for you so once this site gets a lot more posts, it should be easier to help you find what you are looking for.  I label each of my posts so that you can search for things within the blog, whether it be an actor, or a title, etc.  If you search for something in the top left search box when you are on my blog, it will bring up what you are looking for.  If for some reason it is not working correctly, please let me know!

Under each movie poster, the title of the movie is listed above the starring cast.  This is actually a link to the Internet Movie Database page in association with the film.  I was going to link actor names as well, but this proved very time consuming when you can just go to the movie page and browse from there.  Isn't technology just so great?  Also if you want me to add a sub-topic underneath the movie poster, please let me know.  I will be adding year in a few days.

Also, you can comment after each blog, and I encourage all of you to do so!  I love to hear feedback and want to know what you think, whether you agree or disagree.  I know my movie taste is very different from most people, but please, please have no worries, and leave your comments!

Thanks To you All!


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