Friday, October 8, 2010

The Karate Kid, Part II

Year: 1986
Starring: Ralph Macchio, Noriyuki "Pat" Morita
Directed By: John G. Avildsen
Run Time:  113 Minutes
Rating: PG

     Part II is a continuation of the first movie, which continues the story, but focuses more on Miyagi's character and his background.  This movie strays away from the original in which was about learning karate and the journey of learning from teacher to student.  This movie really takes on more of a plot line then the first in which it focuses more on the characters back story, and not as much as on the fighting.  It is more of a dramatic movie in which you are not as drawn to the conclusion, and it changes from scene to scene as what could happen.  I will say that the end of this movie was pretty random, and came out of no where since events leading up to it did not suggest it would happen.
     You start with a montage of the previous movie to give the audience a run down of what happened in the first, so you are all ready to go for part II.  Daniel and Miyagi start the movie with building a room, which begins to be a part of what we may think is training for the final scene.  In actuality we find out that Daniel's mother is moving again and Mr. Miyagi has graciously offered his housing so Daniel-san can stay and finish school.  We get a letter in the mail and Bam!, all of a sudden we are off to Okinawa.  Here is where we get into Miyagi's back story with his father and best friend.  His father is dying, and his best friend hates him for taking his girl when they were 18.  They challenge to a fight, and from there on, the movie moves in unexpected ways.  In my eyes, it didn't flow very well, and the whole time I am waiting for the action to take place, which happens from time to time, but it is leading toward nothing really.  Without giving much away, the last scene is everyone happy at a party, then all of a sudden, the cousin attacks Daniel, and from there it was just, well not a great sequel to the movie.
     I will have to give this movie 2 out of 5 crane kicks.  You watch the first one, and it kept you entertained to a point, and had a climax that made sense.  This movie, draws you in on the basis that you think it will flow the same way as the first, but then you are sadly disappointed because there is no real lead up to the climax, and the events were just weird.  Again the director kind of messed up his career after Rocky.  Maybe not worth the time, but if you want to watch in order to continue on to Part III, I will never recommend you to skip a part of the saga, NEVER.


1 comment:

James C Raymond said...

I think you may be being a bit generous with a 2 out 5 Crane Kicks for this movie. I was very disappointed. I would say don't watch II or III.

Good review though.