Friday, October 15, 2010

October Newsletter: Halloween Edition

Hey Everyone

So far I have reviewed a few movies and have received only one comment!  I guess that is better then nothing.  Anyway, I think that I will be starting a classic horror movie review.  What I would really like is if you guys would send me some suggestions of what you want to me to review.  Keep in mind I mean horror CLASSICS!

I will start off with some of the greats:

Halloween I & II
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Friday the 13th
Child's Play
The Evil Dead

I will also probably review the remakes of the greats, because that has been a recent trend to remake the originals with a new view of horror.  Those will include Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th .

Please, please send me your suggestions and I will get them reviewed for you!

Thanks everyone!


Share my site with your friends!  Lets try to get a big following on this site!


Unknown said...

How about 'The Shining'?

Or 'The Changeling'?

Love the old 70's/80's horror movies

Unknown said...

Salem's Lot, I'm still in therapy over that one :-)

Unknown said...

SO, if you are going to do Horror classics...then why not the classics??? Like the old Bela Loguis. I can't think of the other names, but the old b&w...there are great:)